29 January 2024Exceptional Independent Retailers Celebrated At The 4th Annual Rosie Awards Awards, Blog, Industry, News, Thought Leadership
31 May 2022Online SNAP Payments Now Accepted at Geissler’s seven stores throughout Connecticut and Massachusetts Blog, News, Press Releases, Retailer, SNAP
23 May 2022Do More with your Online Store: 6 Rosie Strategies for Increasing Profitability Blog, Industry, News
2 May 2022Enhancing the Guest & Employee Experience Amid a Labor Shortage Blog, News, Thought Leadership
27 February 2022Rosie Launches First Retailer-Branded Mobile App For Independent Grocers Blog, Industry, News, Press Releases, Thought Leadership
10 February 2022Rosie Enables Independent Retailers to Accept SNAP/EBT Payments Online Blog, Industry, News, Press Releases, SNAP
21 January 2022Hiring 101: Attracting the next group of grocery talent Blog, Industry, Thought Leadership
14 January 2022News Release: Rosie Recognizes Best-in-Class Ecommerce Retailers with 2nd Annual Rosies Awards Awards, Blog, Industry, News, Rosie News