29 January 2024Exceptional Independent Retailers Celebrated At The 4th Annual Rosie Awards Awards, Blog, Industry, News, Thought Leadership
18 June 2020News Release: Rosie Announces Record Retailer Partnerships and Employee Growth in Q2 Blog, Company Culture, Industry, News, Rosie News, Success, Thought Leadership
3 June 2020A Message from Haley, Head of Account Management: How We’re Delivering Success Blog, Company Culture, Industry, Retailer, Success, Team, Thought Leadership
25 May 2020Rosie’s response to the coronavirus Blog, Company Culture, Industry, News, Rosie News, Team, Thought Leadership
25 May 2020Rosie’s response to the coronavirus Blog, Company Culture, Industry, News, Retailer, Rosie News, Success, Thought Leadership
20 November 2019Rosie and First Data Forge Nationwide Partnership To Reduce eCommerce Costs Blog, Industry, News, Retailer, Thought Leadership
20 November 2019Rosie CEO Awarded Progressive Grocer’s 2019 GenNext Award Awards, Blog, Industry, News, Rosie News, Success, Thought Leadership
20 November 2019News Release: Rosie Announces Record Retailer Partnerships and Employee Growth in Q2 Blog, Industry, News, Retailer
4 August 2019Associated Food Stores Expands E-commerce to 33 Corporate Stores Industry, News, Retailer, Success, Thought Leadership
10 September 2018Rosie eCommerce Selected to Serve Piggly Wiggly Alabama Retailers Blog, Industry, News, Press Releases, Rosie News